Ear Candy
"What do people hear/when they see you?"--Mong Lan "Song of the Cicadas
When I read this section of a poem while in college, I felt the earth move. Everything about the words and the meaning hit me with sound and silence. I owe much of my love of poetry to my college years. I owe much of my love for music to my dad. To this day, the quote gives me pause.
In writing stories, I love to have a soundtrack as if preparing a movie. Sometimes I can get so sidetracked in making the background music to my stories that I leave little time in the day to actually write. A night of live music inspires me to no end. Seeing others spill their passions into instruments and lyrics and showmanship makes my heart happy.
Last night, while enjoying Punk Rock Karaoke (yes, it's a thing) with some brilliant ladies, one gave me the final piece of the puzzle to Storied Knits. Why not include music? Duh. I am so grateful for intelligent and kind people in my life. My tribe of supporters just blows me away. Thank you.
So as an added bonus, I will include a song or soundtrack that inspired the knitted project. While adding notes about color preference, etc. customers may also include songs that inspire them. Do you feel like Jessie's Girl and need a hat to prove it? Are you a punk rocker with bluegrass roots and need a scarf to feel it? I have you covered. Let's explore unknown lands with music leading the way.
Happy Listening!!